
Support for frontline workers

This defines our offer for organisations that want to refer clients to us but who are borderline or not quite ready for our service.

Our resource is limited and we need to make informed decisions on who we can help but at the same time we want to support frontline services and be there at the right time for clients.

This isn’t an extensive list but it includes potential clients who:


    • Want to stop using or drinking for themselves.

    • Need a medical detox.

    • Aren’t easily contactable (eg former rough sleepers without a mobile or email address).

    • Are about to start a reduced drinking/using programme.

    • Are using or drinking heavily or regularly and want to stop but aren’t quite ready and don’t know where to begin.

    • Or are still using or drinking heavily but expressed interest in 12-steps and want support.

If you’re not sure whether you can refer a client, please contact Sean Robinson – see below.

A practical menu of options


    • Those whose using or drinking is considered very high and who won’t go to rehab or have tried, should be encouraged to meet GP or medical practitioner to discuss a reduction programme.


    • If a client has no means of contact and there’s a private space at a referrer’s office or centre, we can arrange to have calls with them.


    • If a private space exists, clients could use it to join a 12 step Zoom meeting. We can guide agencies through this. Zoom meetings can be found on the links below.


    • Try and see if AA/NA/CA can arrange for someone to meet the client and take client to a meeting. AA number: 0800 917 7650. NA number: 0300 999 1212. CA number: 0800 612 0225


    • If it’s an ‘open’ meeting (NA, AA, CA) anyone can accompany a client even they’re not an addict. We can talk people through this. See meeting searches below:



    • In parallel, we can support the frontline team with insights on addiction and any questions they might have regarding the client.


    • If client is engaging with reduction and has more clarity, a Rehabit peer supporter can meet with them. They don’t have to be abstinent. The purpose of this would be to guide the client to counselling or the right service for them.


    • If the peer support is working and the client is ready, we can start counselling.

Please note that if the potential client doesn’t want to try a 12-step meeting, it shouldn’t be pushed. We can have the conversation as we are better placed to guide if needs be.

About Rehabit

Rehabit provides free peer support and counselling for people who are struggling with drugs or alcohol and who have no or limited funds.

We are a small, agile and personal charity that provides a non-judgemental quick intervention and free service. with lived experience and abstinence at its heart.

We complement the work of larger drug and alcohol services by helping those who are in danger of falling through the gaps in society or who are stuck in the system. We believe those who will benefit from our services are people who need extra time, tolerance, patience and care to get the help they so desperately need.

Contact and referral

To discuss before referral please contact Sean Robinson – or 03001021605.

Professional or clients can use our online referral form.